Walking through the «desert»

After visiting the shrine of the moon (Huaca de la Luna) I got the idea to walk on top of the nearby hill. My friend said immediately «Yes, let’s do it so.» There was no doubt about this idea. 100_7563

So we started walking with our Flip Flops and without any water bottle. I mean this hill seemed to be pretty small…well first problem we got was walking in the deep sand with our «shoes». It didn’t work out too well, so we continued to barefooted. Wow, that was hot! After some minutes I thought my feet are going to be burned. Anyway we kept on walking. My strategy was walking 5 minutes with Flip Flops and 5 minutes barefooted.


After a while we got a bit higher and reached the rest of the hill, out of stones.


100_7669Since the stones had big holes and there were a few bees flying around, we decided not to go any further. As well it still looked quiet far and we were already exhausted from the heat. But still the view was really nice from higher up.


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