Some impressions and stories about mountains & more. Enjoy.
Es war einmal eine schöne, idyllische Hütte im Val di Mello. Dorthin verschlug es fünf Bergsteiger / innen, das heisst vier TL-Aspiranten / innen und ihr Mentor Erik. Die fünf kamen von weit her und hatten bereits ein paar interessante und lange Touren hinter sich. Sie kamen von der Fornohütte, über die Nordwand des […]
Unfortunately i do not have a nice clear picture of it, but still i can remember this day quiet well. The solar eclipse was on the 3rd of November in 2013. We were somewhere around Tegbi, belonging to the Volta region. In the morning we went to the beach to […]
After almost 4 weeks of sun (no i do not want to complain) and high temperatures, there it was again – the cold&snowfall in Zürich City! Although weather wasn’t really good (snow fall and little visibility) we went on a Skitour to Silberen! Now i know why it is called […]
Just a few weeks ago we received the long awaited snowfall after some dry winter weeks or even months. When we started our tour in the morning it was still snowing and we did not have high visibility. Only after 2 hours and 1000 hm the landscape became a wonderworld. […]
Nach einem frühen Start und schnellen Hüttenaufstieg haben wir unser Tourenziel nochmals bei einer kurzen Kaffee&Kuchen-Pause betrachtet – der Ruchenfensterturm Südwand. Auf die Frage «wie die Verhältnisse dort seien und wann die Tour das letze Mal gemacht wurde» haben wir, nebst irritierter Blicke, die foglende sinngemässe Antwort erhalten «Das macht […]
During my stay in Colombia I started to climb a lot. Since then i am addicted to rock climbing. More impressions and stories will follow.